Tips and Tricks of making money through your blog

There is really no fast and quick rule when it comes to generating good and continous income from your blog. However you can improve and maximise your earning to a great extent and that too at the quickest possible time and with minimum inputs if you just follow the simple tips which i'm suggesting below.

Tip 1:
Participate in as many paying programs as possible. There are so many programs for you to apply that just by signing up in them you'll have decent amount already credited in your account. I recently joined Shopping Ads and WidgetBucks and they have already got me $25 each as signup bonus. That comes to $50. Now that's a really good way to start when you are looking for easy money making through your blog. There is another program called ProductReview affiliate program which i applied last month using my another blog which i'm using it for promoting affiliate products. Thankfully, they have given me $10 for just joining their program as an affiliate. So the total now comes to $60. There are many more such programs that pay simply for signing up with them. But as of now i haven't applied to those programs, when i do i'll let you know whether they really pay or not. For that matter you can check those programs for yourself.

Tip 2:
Create as many blogs as possible and with some good contents so that others find atleast something related to the heading of your blog. Now if you already have Adsense account start putting the codes to all of these blogs. You don't need to have separate account for each blog to do this. The same account can be applied to all of your blogs or sites.

Tip 3:
Create Adsense account in your Father's , Mother's, Brother's, Sister's or anyone's name with different address, phone numbers, IP( Internet protocol) numbers and Bank Accounts if possible. But keep in mind that all these different addresses, phone numbers and bank accounts should finally connect to you only. These way you can have multiple adsense accounts and thereby enjoy multiple streams of adsense income.

Tip 4:
Join other adsense alternative programs and follow Tip 2 and Tip 3.

Tip 5:
Finally join all the popular social networking sites like Myspace, Facebook, Hi5, Orkut, Badoo, Bebo,, Friendster, Habbo,, Netlog, Passado, Capazoo, Imeem, MyBloglog, BlogCatalog, Twitter, Vox, Xanga and all those sites where you get to make friends. Make as many friends as possible in each site both young and old and of all sexes. After that spread the news about your blog and blogs. Request them to visit your blogs. Do that regularly and you'll see the magical rise in your earnings.

These are some of the ways and means by which you can easily and effectively generate huge revenues from your blog(s).

( Note: I am not encouraging anyone to implement the above tips and tricks in any manner whatsoever. Anyone who implements these ideas based on this article will be doing at his or her own risk).



  1. Anonymous said,

    Yup all true... But it all needs traffic.. Goodluck to you and have a nice blogging day

    on February 21, 2008 at 8:09 PM  

  2. Anonymous said,

    Good Job! :)

    on July 26, 2008 at 1:26 PM